UK Minerals Forum – Terms of Reference | Revised, March 2017

The following information can be downloaded as PDF here
Mandate & Purpose

The UKMF provides a national, independent and collaborative voice that seeks to facilitate a resilient and sustainable supply of minerals for the United Kingdom. It draws together a wide range of stakeholders who have interests in one or more aspects of mineral development, including the control of associated impacts.

The stakeholders include Government departments and agencies, NGOs, local authorities, industry, consultancies and academics. The Forum recognises the value that indigenous mineral resources bring to our economy, environment and society, but also recognises the challenges that are faced by the sector within each of these areas.

As Government priorities evolve, and as national policies and guidance become increasingly streamlined, the Forum provides a unique, coordinated and effective interface on minerals issues between the industry, government and others. It provides opportunities for important details to be explored, views to be shared, disagreements to be aired, and for difficult issues to be resolved, where possible, through balanced and informed discussions between interested parties.

The Forum’s aims are ambitious. They include listening, developing ideas, encouraging research, delivering projects and providing balanced information on topical issues that will positively influence the way in which essential minerals are developed and utilised, in the interests of sustainable development.


To achieve these aims, the Forum has a number of more detailed objectives. These change over time as progress is made and as new challenges emerge but, at present, they include:

  1. Mineral Industry’s contribution to sustainable development – to raise awareness of the true value and importance of the minerals sector to the nation, and to develop, maintain and communicate these values to all interested parties, including the general public. As well as the more obvious economic contributions, these values include encouraging community engagement, enhancing the natural, historic and cultural environment, reducing adverse impacts and promoting diversity;
  2. Planning policy & practice - to review the effects of legislation and policy relating to the need for and sustainable provision of indigenous minerals within the UK;
  3. Reliable data – to encourage the maintenance of reliable, independent, continuous data series and other evidence on UK mineral production, consumption and reserves, to inform, underpin and provide confidence for Government and industry strategies, planning policies and decision-making;
  4. Natural resources and constraints – to maintain and improve our understanding of the stocks, nature and distribution of UK mineral resources and associated natural capital in the UK, and the nature and significance of the constraints on future working.
Operation & Membership

The Forum generally meets two or three times a year under the auspices of a Chairman & Secretary appointed periodically by the CBI Minerals Group. From time to time, working groups drawn from the membership and co-opted assistants hold additional meetings to address specific topics. Further details of the current secretariat & membership, and of both current and earlier working groups, can be found here.

Funding & Budget

Funding for the UKMF secretariat and meetings are provided through the CBI Minerals Group. Additional funding for specific projects to be sought from other sources including collaborative in-kind support from UKMF Members.